Without A Song...
If you ever sit back and think about what music means to you, it’s impact can be likened to a battery. Music charges us up. Music gives us life. Even more than that though, music hypes up every situation, doesn’t it? When you’re at work and someone has Pandora going, the atmosphere is a bit more fun. How about when a DJ begins to spin? You can literally watch the place completely transform! If you’re at work, music can easily help you forget that you are there for moments at a time, and the shift becomes way easier to get through.
It could be a Saturday morning and it’s time to do some laundry, just turn on some old school music and change a mundane task into a jam session. The right song draws you into your favorite show like “Big Rich Town” from Power, gets your favorite player ready to dominate a game like Russell Westbrook before a game, and makes you say, “I need to go see that movie!”, like an Avengers movie trailer. We watch all these shows searching for the newest & hottest talent, but I bet no one can tell you that you aren’t the next American Idol every time you take a shower, right? For those of us that may not be huge fans of long distance drives, like me, just put the right playlist on and we can get across the country bumping the music heavy! Without a song, there’s less energy, less fun, less groove...just less. Can you really imagine life without music? Please... don’t.
-written by: @everywaddyeatsb